Te is ott lehetsz! Dolgozz velünk a pályázat feladatain! A legaktívabb, és legjobb munkákat beadó tanulók közül választjuk ki a résztvevőket!
Activity Description
The planned activities are: 1.Quiz "What do you know about Poland?". 2.The city game "Dwarfs-hunt" - a mixed group of the students following the map look for the dwarfs on the street in Wrocław. 3.Science Festival at the school: -Part1. "Magic and Alchemy" - the Chemistry teacher demonstrates tricks from ancient times. -Part2. "Young explorer" - workshops for the students based on the materials from Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw (the mixed group of the students make experiments under the supervision of the teachers). -Part3. Interactive exhibition "Factory of toys" - the students explore the physical aspects and laws of the presented items. -Part4. Maths contest. 4.Visit to the Park of Science and Human Evolution - a trip to Krasiejów involving educational paths, interactive exhibitions, shows and films on the high level of IC technology. 5.Visit to the Hydropolis - workshops for the students outside the classroom. 6.Strategic games in Skybowling - a mixed groups of students compete against the others to be a winner while having a lot of fun.