A ciprusi találkozón a résztvevő országok szavaztak a legszebb logóra.
Surányi Réka logója nyerte a nemzetközi logóversenyt! Gratulálunk!!!
Activity Description
The participating countries will present their own country/hometown/school. They should also bring photographs of these places so that we can create a calendar. Next there will be a project logo competition. All participating countries will bring the school proposals. At our school we will hold a Science Festival in the field of Physics with experiments in the laboratories where the students will be able to do observations and learn about Science in a funy way. Our own school’s students will be helpers and trainers for all other students. In addition to the above our students will do a theatrical performance on a Mathematical theme in ancient Greek. There will be simultaneous translation with projected English subtitles. The students will be dressed in ancient Greek attire. We will also prepare another science laboratory where students will be able to take part in Mathematical quizzes and competitions.